Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ubisense CFO speaking at BLN Breakfast Forum

Gordon Campbell
 A conversation with Gordon Campbell (CFO, Ubisense Group plc)

Gordon will begin this debate by talking about the decision process he and his team went through leading up to Ubisense’s recent IPO, what lessons he learnt along the way, why Ubisense chose to IPO, and what advice would he give to other CFO’s looking to raise capital.

The BLN Breakfast Brainstorm is a high-level peer-to-peer discussion forum for CFO’s to learn from each other, share best practice and advance the role of the CFO in high growth companies in a relaxed, entertaining and facilitated environment.

The event is run under Chatham House Rule.

September 20th, 2011 — 08.00 AM - 10.30 AM
Register at: The Business Leaders Network

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