Tuesday, November 26, 2013

5 Steps to an Irrefutable ROI Report

Ubisense is keenly aware that time is valuable and each day that an organization operates without a tracking system means thousands of dollars lost due to operational inefficiencies. You need hard numbers to justify the spend internally but you don’t have time to tackle the research in addition to your day job. We get it and we can help you. We’ve developed a five step process that enables us to gather the information we need to deliver an irrefutable ROI report so you can get what you need.  

Here’s our five-step process:

Step 1: Understand the process or processes that require improvement. Any existing data, such as value stream maps or efficiency studies, are reviewed if available.

Step 2: Ubisense visits your site to review the process(es) that require improvement in detail. The best starting point for this review is a physical walkthrough of the process (es) typically with the person who oversees the department. During this walkthrough, a critical Q&A session occurs to understand every aspect of the process(es), including all the ways things don’t go according to plan.

Step 3: On the same day, we regroup in a conference room and walk through the process(es) again, referring to a facility map, taking copious notes on process flow and gathering as many metrics as are available.

Step 4: The final stage of the site visit is to understand the financial terms for how operational efficiency is measured, and whether any specific company goals are being pursued. From this on-site visit, we learn about the great variability and customization of each individual product that makes the customer’s manufacturing process highly complex and difficult to manage.

Step 5: Ubisense delivers an irrefutable ROI report that includes the hard numbers and timeframe specific to your business operations, and you have the proof you need to gain purchasing approval

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